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Monthly Newsletter edited by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network
Civic Activism | Patients' Rights | Consumers' Rights | Support ACN
Year 7th, number 75 - December 2019
SECOND TERM (2019-2024)

Civic societies & patient organizations join again with new MEPs to strengthen the protection of patients’ rights in the European framework
It is a source of pride to announce the second term (2019-2024) of the MEPs Interest Group on Patients’ Right and Cross-Border Healthcare. Promoted by Active Citizenship Network and endorsed by almost 100 associations across Europe, the Interest Group renews its commitment to be a place of dialogue for the development of the policy making process at the EU level. The launch event is planned next 28th January 2020 at the EU Parliament, for the registration click here.

In line with the commitments taken during the first mandate, the objective is to increase - in a multi stakeholder perspective – the cooperation among EU Institutions, citizens & patients organizations. It will be focused on the one hand, to the patients’ rights for the reduction of health inequalities, and on the other hand, on the priorities underlined by the new EU Health Commissioner. Read more


The official launch for the 2019-2024 term, of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare will be held in Brussels in the European Parliament on January 28th from 16:00 to 18:00 in room ASP 3H1. The event is titled “Joined For Vaccination: addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Increasing Uptake in EU. A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective”, hosted by the Italian MEP Brando Benifei.

The registration form (mandatory) is available HERE

The conference aims to sensitize the new EU Institutions on the topic and to contribute to
sharing experiences among all stakeholders involved in the field of citizens engagement on vaccination. To know more about the initiative click here.

For more information about  Active Citizenship Network engagement on vaccination, please visit our website.

Patients' Rights

Who supports the MEPs Interest Group
Here you can find the list of the first MEPs that have decided to join the Interest Group on Patients’ Rights and Cross-Border Healthcare during the current mandate (2019-2024):


Brando BENIFEI (Italy), S&D.

Tomislav SOKOL (Croatia), EPP


Eleonora EVI (Italy), NA

Miriam DALLI (Malta), S&D

Kateřina KONEČNÁ (Czechia), GUE/NGL


Sabrina PIGNEDOLI (Italy), NA

Piernicola PEDICINI (Italy), NA

Sirpa PIETIKäINEN (Finland), EPP

Patrizia TOIA (Italy), S&D

Euregha endors the MEPs Interest Group promoted by ACN
In line with its committment on Cross-Border Healthcare, the Board of Euregha has decided to support the political initiative led by Active Citizenship Network to encourage, for the second term, the  MEPs Interest Group on "European Patients' Rights and Cross-Border Healthcare". To read the list of the almost 100 organizations which have decided by years to endors the activities of the new MEPs Interest Group on "European Patients' Rights and Cross-Border Healthcare", click here.

Endorse EUHPP Joint Statement on Healthcare in Cross-border Regions
Socio-economic differences in border regions due to differences in legislation and peripheral locations lead to Europe-wide health inequalities. By joint actions, stakeholders, the European Parliament and Member States can address the challenges faced in cross-border healthcare and make a positive change. That is why EUREGHA and the Healthacross Initiative drafted a Joint Statement - with the endorsement among the others also of ACN - to emphasize the opportunities of cross-border cooperation in healthcare and encourage all stakeholders to take further action to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for all. To support the Joint Statement until 30th December click here.

Active Citizenship Network in the jury panel of EU-JAMRAI contest
In line with its commitment on the topic and its role as a stakeholder to the European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated InfectionsACN has well accepted to  participate in the EU-JAMRAI contest searching for AMR symbol. In particular, ACN has been invited to participate in a jury of the EU-JAMRAI that has organized a contest for a symbol that represents the global threat of antibiotic resistance. The jury will be looking for a tangible symbol, not a digital logo. Something that can be crafted by anyone and worn by everyone, like the AIDS red ribbon. According to EU-JAMRAI, the inclusion of Active Citizenship Network as a senior advisor in this effort is very important to ensure that the symbol represents all the relevant target audiences. The contest has been officially launched last 18th of November, in the framework of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day, and the deadline to submit entries is 31 March 2020. To know more about this European Health initiative click here.


9th December 2019 Budapest (Hungary): Focus group on the life-course approach to vaccination
In the framework of “European active citizens for vaccination” project, ACN is happy to co-organize at RIROSZ office, a workshop with national experts on vaccination. The goal of the workshop is to gather and share best practices and policies on vaccination. The focus of the workshop is the life-course approach to vaccination, and is carried out together with Vedem Civilian for Vaccination, ACN local partners. To know more about ACN engagement on vaccination, click here

12th December 2019 Varsavia (Poland): Focus group on the life-course approach to vaccination
The ACN’ capital cities tour across Europe on vaccination continues. After Madrid and Budapest, Active Citizenship Network will be in Poland to share experiences, strengthen partnership & advocate for the importance of vaccination across Europe: immunization is vital to prevent diseases and protect life. In particular, the goal of the tour is to raise awareness about the importance of a life-course immunization approach and to promote citizen involvement on the topic. In Warsaw, the initiative is planned at the National Aids Centre and is co-organized together with Institute of Patients’ Rights and Health Education, ACN local partners. To know more, click here

13th - 14th December 2019 Milan (Italy): Empower Citizens for the future of Europe
As a board member of the European Movement–Italy, Cittadinanzattiva will participate in the European Networking Meeting promoted by the European Movement-Italy in Milan, which will take place on 13th and 14th December 2019.
The proposed agenda for the two days will be: European Union's commitment in the framework of Sustainable Development Goals; the Conference on the future of Europe; the issue of defending the rule of law within the EU, together with a reflection on the next EU financial framework. We believe that these networks should be able to meet more frequently to exchange best practices, to be more incisive in the European political debate and to jointly consider how to further develop their relationship with the European institutions and citizens. To know more, please contact: segreteria@movimentoeuropeo.it.


Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: Daniela Quaggia, Riccardo Schwarz, Federico Foti
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio 

To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net

Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net