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Monthly Newsletter edited by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network
Civic Activism | Patients' Rights | Consumers' Rights | Support ACN
Year 5th, number 52 - November 2017

Upcoming events of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare”: Join us!

 upcoming events of the meps informal interest group european patients rights and cross border healthcare join us

Three new events of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare” will be carried out between January and February 2018 on three major issues related to patients' rights in Europe: Headache Pain - Cross border care and centers of excellence - Vaccination. Save the dates and register!
On the 24 of January 2018, from 10.00 to 12:00, will be celebrated inside the European Parliament (Room ASP A3F383) a meeting focused on: 
"Making Visible The Invisible On Headache Pain: Sharing Successful Experiences Across Europe"

Register here for the 24 of January 2018

The initiative is promoted by Active Citizenship Network in partnership with the European Headache Alliance (EHA), and it will be hosted by the MEP Sofia Ribeiro, one of the supporters of the Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”. 

The aim of the event is to continue to explore recent achievements and good practices on the management of some primary headaches - in particular migraine and cluster headaches - across Europe, and  demonstrate what this community can offer in terms of raising awareness about the phenomenon, enhancing the body of knowledge of positive cases and successful experiences, and strengthening commitment to this topic.

To know more about the next initiatives of the Interest Group, please visit the website


My Voice Matters! A successful initiative on  value added medicines


Marc-Alexander MAHL, President, Medicines for Europe;  Astri ARNESEN, President, European Huntington Association; Donna WALSH, Executive Director, European Federation of Neurological Associations; Mariano VOTTA, Director, Active Citizenship Network; Umberto COMBERIATI, Chair of Value Added Medicines Group

Last 21 of November 2017, Active Citizenship Network officially supported, together with European Federation of Neurological Associations and European Huntington Association, the “My Voice Matters!” exhibition at EU Parliament, promoted by Medicine for Europe-Value Added Medicines Group.

The Value Added Medicines Group is a sector group of Medicines for Europe which aims to optimise, rethink and reinvent medicines based on known molecules and by bringing untapped innovation to improve care delivery.

The objective of the exhibition,  hosted by Lieve Wierinck MEP, was to provide a platform for patient groups and representatives to raise awareness on their needs, the importance of a healthcare agenda on patient-centric innovation and how to integrate the patient preference within a range of therapeutic areas.

The day after Active Citizenship Network participated in the panel of the 1st Value Added Medicines conference that gathered a wide range of experts in the healthcare community to raise awareness and develop solutions for patient-centric innovation and better patient access to value added medicines. Value added medicines represent a major opportunity to improve patient adherence and quality of life, also to address a number of medicine-related healthcare inefficiencies. Delegates call for more cooperation among the healthcare community, patients and healthcare providers to support best practice sharing and foster greater patient access to value added medicines.

The photos of the exhibition can be found at this link. To know more click here


Patients' Rights

We need YOU! Vote for SIP as a "Thematic Network" until Dec 7th to move to a public domain


The European Commission has given Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) the opportunity to make the SIP Expert Group, on the EU Health Policy Platform, a “Thematic Network on SIP” and to move into the public domain.
The "Societal Impact of Pain" (SIP) is an international platform created in 2009 as a joint initiative of European Pain Federation EFIC® and the pharmaceutical Grünenthal GmbH, and since 2016 co-operation partners are Pain Alliance Europe and Active Citizenship Network.
Four out of ten groups will be selected! Please register (guide) on the EU Health Policy Platform and vote here for SIP to be included. oting closes on December 7th at 23:55! In case of any technical questions please contact: vittoria.carraro@efic.org

European Commission launches: “What I need to know about Biosimilar Medicines - Information for patients”, in 23 EU languages
The European Commission launched last 29th November 2017 additional translations of the Q&A paper “What I Need to Know about Biosimilar Medicines – Information for patients’’ making it available now in 23 official European languages, in order to provide patients with easy-to-understand information about biosimilar medicines. The Q&A was written to empower patients by providing answers to the most-frequently-asked questions on biosimilar medicines. Read more

Consumers' Rights

Commissioner Jourová launches the New Deal for Consumers
Last 30 of November, Commissioner Jourová launched a discussion on the New Deal for Consumers by bringing together all stakeholders working on improving consumer rights in the EU. The Commission will present next spring changes to the existing consumer law to modernise them and ensure that they are properly enforced. Read more

Implementing a pathway approach for climate change adaptation at the local level
Has your city already defined or is in the process of defining and assessing options for adaptation measures? At the same time, you are not sure which ones to implement and in which order? And you would like to find out which options to choose for which (uncertain) future climate scenario? Then this webinar led by the covenant of Mayors Office and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research & Innovation is for you! The online-event is planned ofr the next 11 of Decembre (10.00-12-45). For further information, contact: lea.kleinenkuhnen@eumayors.eu or visit www.eumayors.eu

Italy: #Mobilitime, It’s time to move!
Next 6 of December is planned in Rome the final event of  "MOBILITIME", the initiative promoted by Cittadinanzattiva in Italy during the annual European Mobility Week. With this initiative¸ Cittadinanzattiva has renewed its commitment to contribute to spreading a culture of sustainable mobility in the country. “MOBILITIME" is  an awareness campaign consisting of three initiatives: local initiatives led by  volunteers who will distribute ad hoc materials, inform and gather reports; an online consultation on sustainable mobility and new forms of mobility; last but not least, a photo contest. Read more (IT language) 


Civic Activism

Italy: Roundtable on the future of the Social Pillar in Europe
The European Commission Representative Office in Italy organizes next 18 of December in Rome a roundtable on the social dimension in Europe. Civic society is invited to participate inorder to collect point of view and suggestions to be presented in Bruxelles to the European Institutions. Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is invited as panelist. For further information, contact: v.desomma@fasi.biz


6 December 2017 Brussels (Belgium): “Shifting to value: transforming Europe’s health systems”
The conference will discuss the future of health systems and how Value-Based Healthcare can tackle the challenges they face, by shifting to integrated models that improve outcomes for patients and foster sustainability. Speakers will present case studies of successful enablers, as well as frame the debate in a wider EU policy agenda that can favour the shift to Value-Based Healthcare. For further information, contact: bghizzoni@cambre-associates.com

12 December 2017 Brussels (Belgium):  “Joining forces to prevent human papilloma virus (hpv) related cancers in Europe”
There is a sense of real momentum behind HPV prevention in Europe but still a great deal of work to do especially considering the variability in vaccination uptake and populations protected across EU member states. For this reason the roundtable led by European Cancer Patient Coalition will stimulate how stakeholders could drive increased prevention of HPV related cancers in Europe.
For further information, contact: efitzgerald@reputation-inc.com

27 February 2018, Brussels (Belgium):  "Cross-border healthcare and centers of excellence to enhance patients' rights: access, information and innovation"
The event is planned at the European Parliament (Room ASP 3H1) from 15.00 to 17:00 hosted by the MEP Patrizia Toia, one of the supporter of the Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”. 
After two years of campaigning to raise awareness on cross-border healthcare with its initiative “Patients’ rights have no borders”, Active Citizenship Network has decided to develop it further and plan a widespread activity focused on the European Reference Networks and on patients’ rights with regard to rare or complex diseases. The meeting will offer an open debate between civic and patient associations from different Member States, experts, Institutional representatives from the European Parliament and the European Commission, National Contact Points and several stakeholders at EU level.
To know more, click here. To register, click here.

28 February 2018, Brussels (Belgium):  "The challenges of life-course vaccination to enhance public health protection in Europe: a multi-stakeholder approach"
The event organized by Active Citizenship Network is planned at the European Parliament (Room ASP 7H1) from 11.00 to 13:00 hosted by the MEP David Borrelli, one of the co-founders of the Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”. 
Vaccination is one of the most important public health tools of the 20th century, however, vaccination programs are facing considerable challenges, such as a decline in vaccination coverage in some countries, the increasing cost of new vaccines and shortages in supply. In addition, misconceptions about vaccination can further shift the public focus from the individual and collective benefits of vaccination to increased distrust and fear of possible side effects. In this challenging and complex environment, there is a clear added value in involving all the stakeholders within the EU and in working with global partners to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of vaccination programs.
To know more, click here. To register, click here.


Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: Daniela Quaggia
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio 

To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net

Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net